Exhibitor Marketing
For companies that have booked exhibit space at AB Show, we invite you to take advantage of these free marketing tools to promote your presence and drive traffic to your booth. Tell your customers and prospects how to find you at the show with digital banners, social media graphics, email signature graphics and more.
Email Signature Graphic
Use this email signature graphic to attach to all of your emails promoting your presence
at AB Show 2024.

Social Media Graphic
Let your social followers know that you'll be exhibiting atAB Show this year! This graphic size is universal for all platforms.

The Show Logo
AB Show logo to use in your marketing promotions.

Customizable VIP Exhibit Hall Pass
Use this VIP Guest Pass to send to your clients and prospects inviting them to visit your booth.

Digital Banner Ads
Use these digital banner ads to place in your newsletters, website and more, showing your presence at AB Show! Banners are available in multiple dimensions.



Email Template
Attach the email template above to let people know you're exhibiting at AB Show 2024. Make sure to include your booth number in the subject line!